The Age of Artix forum

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The Age of Artix forum

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The Staff of AoA

The Age of Artix forum

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IMPORTANT! This is an announcement to tell you that we have recently cleared a lot of topics over the forum that were deemed un-necessary. Please be aware that this change has taken place. ~Staff~

    Chat Controls

    Evil Hans, the Kitty
    Evil Hans, the Kitty
    is Graphix Madix
    is Graphix Madix

    Number of posts : 222
    Age : 30
    Reputation : 1
    Registration date : 2008-09-14

    Chat Controls Empty Chat Controls

    Post  Evil Hans, the Kitty Sat Nov 08, 2008 1:11 am

    Add Friend: This control bolds who your friends are
    Un-Friend: This un-bolds them
    Ignore: This means you can't see anything that they post for 12 hours.
    Private Chat: Talk to them in a fully fledged conversation, but just you and them.
    Private Messege: Send them a private messege. Remember, I can see all of these if I need to, if you send something rude.

    Make Guest: Means a member has deleted their account, and is no longer a member
    Make Member: Means someone has Registered a forum account
    Kick: Disconnect someone from the chat. They can come back
    Ban: Bans a person for a certain amount of time. Must give a reason why.

    Make Moderator: Means that they have become a Moderator.
    /s Text Here: Scroller at the bottom of the chat, for any annoucements or Topic Updates. Change Text Here with what you wish to say.
    Ban: Can be given for a longer period of time now.

    Hans, the iNinja
    Make Owner: Means they have become a Administrator.

    The moderator who banned you will also send you a PM of why and when you will be unbanned.

    ~The AoG Staff~

      Current date/time is Sun Apr 28, 2024 3:35 am