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The Age of Artix forum

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The Staff of AoA

The Age of Artix forum

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IMPORTANT! This is an announcement to tell you that we have recently cleared a lot of topics over the forum that were deemed un-necessary. Please be aware that this change has taken place. ~Staff~

    =AoA= Official Disiplinary System

    Evil Hans, the Kitty
    Evil Hans, the Kitty
    is Graphix Madix
    is Graphix Madix

    Number of posts : 222
    Age : 30
    Reputation : 1
    Registration date : 2008-09-14

    =AoA= Official Disiplinary System Empty =AoA= Official Disiplinary System

    Post  Evil Hans, the Kitty Tue Oct 07, 2008 2:49 am

    It is always with great regret that I have to make this Thread,but it has got to be known to all. Anyways here goes nothing.

    If you are Found breaking (Spamming / Off-Topic / Flamming) rules in one particular area then you may lose complete access to that forum.

    If you break the signature rule more then 3 times, you will be banned for a week to think about why you kept on breaking it

    If your signature advertises another site quite noticeably you may be banned permanently

    If you create another account while having a active account your spare account will just be banned the first time. The second time you will also be banned for a week. The third time you will be banned permanently.

    If you create another account while having a banned account, both accounts will be permanently banned. No questions asked.

    If you upload an Avatar, you will just lose the right to have an Avatar for up to the Moderators Discretion.

    If you Spam / Flame / Abuse anyone by PM you will lose your PM System for up to the Moderators Discretion.

    If you impersonate Staff, here or anywhere else you will be banned here. In other places we will contact the Administrator. In cases where you are a Administrator we will contact the Site Distributor, or put up a DMCA Notice.

    It has been said, you have been warned. So please just don't break the Rules.

      Current date/time is Sun Apr 28, 2024 7:53 am