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The Age of Artix forum

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The Staff of AoA

The Age of Artix forum

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IMPORTANT! This is an announcement to tell you that we have recently cleared a lot of topics over the forum that were deemed un-necessary. Please be aware that this change has taken place. ~Staff~

    Arcade is Here and counting

    Evil Hans, the Kitty
    Evil Hans, the Kitty
    is Graphix Madix
    is Graphix Madix

    Number of posts : 222
    Age : 30
    Reputation : 1
    Registration date : 2008-09-14

    Arcade is Here and counting Empty Arcade is Here and counting

    Post  Evil Hans, the Kitty Mon Dec 01, 2008 9:29 am

    Please note that if you have already read the e-mail you do not have to read this again

    Well we now have the Arcade up and running.
    It will be what we call a continuous arcade.
    An arcade that keeps on growing. But with great things come great responsibilities.
    I know from experience that our Arcade is very addictive so if I see that it is getting used for too long, I will close it.
    We also now have HTML enabled. You will need to edit it in your Preference section of your profile but there is a tutorial for that.
    This is only for Staff to use, unless it is a Youtube Video in which case you may put it on our site. You just enter the HTML code, simple as that.
    I will update the rules soon. Thus I will also be changing my name later from
    Hans, the iNinja -> Evil Hans
    I will always keep the Hans though.
    ~H~ afro

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